Norway is 2nd least densely populated country in Europe at the size of New Mexico, about 5 million people. Production of produce is spread across the whole country. While the infrastructure is quite good, high mountains and deeply cut valleys and fjords combined with a severe northern climate make inland transportation difficult during the winter.
Norwegians really love their milk. And most of it is produced at more than 10 000 Tine farms. Tine has 85% of the dairy product market in Norway. Norwegians are also very technology savvy being early adopters of new technology.

Norway has a solid cell phone infrastructure where 61% of those who have mobile phones (15 YO+) have smartphones. Approx. 2/3 of Norwegians consume mobile media on a daily basis.
All this makes for valid starting point to create a high-end AR app.
Sources: /
The dairy producer Tine regionalize their distribution of milk having already a regional production concept. They split Norway into 5 milk regions.
They had an existing marketing concept with TV commercials using live action talking cows.
Our brief was to create an Augmented Reality app for their 30 different milk cartons (6 from each region) to work on all compatible smartphones and tablets with animated cows speaking different regional dialects.
Our goal was to communicate that TineMelk now comes from 5 different regions – local, short traveled, eco-friendly milk!
We wanted to make the customers proud of their own region.
We exceeded the client and the advertising agency’s expectations. They hoped for 40 000 downloads, we had over 110 000 in 3 months.
We received international recognition with the app being shortlisted in 2 categories (Media Lions, Mobile Lions) for the Cannes Lions, the world’s biggest annual awards show and festival for professionals in the creative communications industry.